HFHC Services
At HFHC, we are a patient-centered medical home (PCMH) committed to meeting the diverse healthcare needs of your entire family.
At HFHC our goal is to put you at the center of your care team. Surrounded by a team of health care professionals, we will work with you to coordinate and provide comprehensive and personalized care. We want to partner with you to meet your health care needs. Partnering means that you will can and need to participate in health care decisions, as these are the decisions that directly impact you and your family. You will be provided information related to your recommended care or treatment plan, the benefits and/or risks and any associated risks should you refuse care.
You have the right to respectful and individualized care, always being treated with dignity and equal care regardless of age, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, race, gender or gender identify.
Your health care team includes your Primary Care Provider (PCP), a scheduler, and a medical assistant to assist the PCP at your appointment. This team may also include other health care professional based upon your individualized needs. Some of those additional team members may include: a Nurse Practitioner, a Physician Assistant, a Registered Nurse Educator, a RN Care Coordinator, Dental Services and/or a Behavioral Health/Mental Health Professional. If your care includes any of these professionals or services, these will be further described to you.
As we partner in your care, please always ask questions if you do not understand any information or treatment plans, medication, or diagnosis. You can reach us both during office hours and also during off-hours at 483-4502. During off hours, the phone will be answered by an answering service and a provider will return your call. If you have an emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room rather than calling the health center.
Additional information related to your care is readily available and will be provided. Please always share with your team any changes in your health or reactions to any treatment (including medications).
We look forward to partnering with you for your care.
A copy of this information is available at the front desk at the health center.
Translation services available at no cost to you.
From pediatrics to geriatrics, our healthcare providers are there for you through every stage of life.
- Preventative care
- Routine care
- Pediatrics
- Geriatrics
- Trigger Point Injections
- Health Education; Nutrition/Physical activity
We offer a wide range of mental health services for individuals and families.
- Individual counseling for children and adults
- Family counseling
- Group counseling
- Substance abuse counseling
- PTSD therapy