Tablet with medical apps a new tool at rural health clinic in Down East Maine

This article from the Portland Herald looks at Harrington Family Health Center’s use of medical apps as a tool in health care.

“While it’s a beautiful area, it has Maine’s poorest population and many of our people have the highest instances of diabetes, heart disease and cancer in the state. We also have the highest early death rate in the state,” Umphrey said. “This device is one more tool to give providers. It’s like having an electronic library at your fingertips.”

Click here to ready the full story at the Portland Herald.

HFHC Dental Team Offers Convenient, Comprehensive Care

Read this article at the Bangor Daily News that focuses on Harrington Family Health Center offering comprehensive dental health care as part of primary health care services.

“People don’t think about prevention,” said Evans, who oversees a department that had 3,219 patient visits last year. “They just come in when it hurts. It’s so much easier on the patient to come in right away and avoid complications.”



HFHC Online “Patient Portal” Offers Access to Records, Appointment Scheduling

A story at the Bangor Daily News looks at the new Patient Portal available to patients at Harrington Family Health Center.

“Today is an exciting day for improving patient access, service and care at HFHC,” said HFHC CEO Lee Umphrey. “Our goal is to continuously educate and fully engage patients in making their health care choices, goals and plans.”

Click here to read the full story.

Help us serve low-income patients in Maine by expanding Medicaid

Lee Umphrey, Harrington Family Health Center CEO, and Holly Gartmayer-DeYoung is Eastport Health Care CEO reflect on their visit to the Hall of Flags in Augusta to meet with lawmakers.

…we believe that access to health care is not welfare. So, let’s put politics and scare tactics aside and accept the federal funds to provide the necessary protections and services for the hard-working and well-intentioned people of Washington County and Maine.

Click here to read the full story at the Bangor Daily News.